Monday, 11 October 2010

All About Strabismus Causes

To learn what causes strabismus, it is necessary to know about the different forms of strabismus. Basically the strabismus causes can be due to a disorder of the brain in coordinating the eyes, or because of problems in one or more of the relevant eye muscles’ power such as paralysis or unequal pulling of muscles on one side of the eye.

First, it is still unknown what causes strabismus in children. However, researchers think that it is hereditary because it is frequently seen to run among families. In other words, an individual with a family member that has it has an increased chance to have a child with strabismus.

Another major strabismus causes is that it could be a coping mechanism of the eye for another vision problem like farsightedness. Far sighter people are unable to perceive near objects that results in to the turning of the eyes inwards.

Intermittent strabismus is a kind of strabismus wherein the eye does not turn constantly, as it only does during stressful situations or because of sickness. The strabismus causes for this type of condition is a vision problem known as convergence insufficiency. It is an ordinary condition that may also cause headaches, double vision, blurred vision, and eyestrain.

On the other hand, adults can have strabismus due to eye or blood vessel damage. This can be brought about by other conditions like blindness, eye tumor, Graves’ disease, stroke, cataract, and various muscle and nerve disorders. Blindness often results to the gradual outward turning of the eye thus the strabismus. Diabetes may also cause strabismus among people. It is because the disease limits the blood supply to the eye muscles, causing the eyes to squint.

In addition, other neurological conditions may also become main strabismus causes. This includes Cerebral Palsy, hydrocephalus, Down’s syndrome, premature birth, and brain tumors. In addition, acquired or adult strabismus may also be a result of untreated or unsuccessfully treated childhood strabismus.

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