Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Gastritis Pain

Gastritis can be defined as an inflammation or irritation in the lining of the stomach known as the Mucosa. The Mucosa contains special cells and enzymes which break down food for digestion and mucous which protects the stomach lining. When the stomach lining is damaged, it produces less cells, enzymes and mucous causing Gastritis pains.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) in the U.S, Gastritis is not a single disease but rather several different conditions with a variety of symptoms. Gastritis can be caused by a variety of factors such as excessive consumption of alcohol, stress, extensive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), bacterial infections, after major surgery or by certain diseases such as auto immune disorders or chronic bile reflux. Although many people with gastritis experience no symptoms at all, most people complain of abdominal pains. Other symptoms of Gastritis include abdominal bloating, indigestion, vomiting and nausea.

Gastritis pains are usually felt in the upper central section of the abdomen or around the back. Gastritis pains differ according to the individual, it maybe a dull ache, a burning sensation or could be sharp gnawing pains. Gastritis pains can be short (acute gastritis) or the pain could be a prolonged condition (chronic gastritis). Another type of Gastritis causes no pain but wears away the stomach lining (erosive Gastritis) causing bleeding, erosions and ulcers. Any pain or discomfort in the abdomen can be mistaken for Gastritis pains. It is best to consult a medical practitioner. A doctor can diagnose a gastritis patient after a full description of the symptoms by the patient or by tests such as blood tests, stool and urine analysis, endoscopy and x-rays.

Medications can be prescribed for Gastritis pains according to the severity of the condition. Medicines such as antacids, which help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach can relieve symptoms and promote healing of the inflamed stomach lining is a common treatment for mild Gastritis pains. Depending on the cause of the Gastritis different approaches to are exercised for treatment. For example if Gastritis pains are caused by extended use of certain drugs, a doctor may advice a person to stop using it and switch to another method of treatment or may reduce the dosage. Life style changes such as moderate intake of alcohol and stress reduction may also be advised. If untreated Gastritis pains caused by bacteria may lead to cancer or the development of ulcers in the stomach or small intestine.

Although Gastritis cannot be prevented, a healthy life style, clean sanitary habits and early identification and treatment can relieve pain and prevent further damage.

By Health Articles

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