Sunday, 31 July 2011

Important Facts About Skin Lightening Remedies

Skin lightening remedies have been sought since olden days as people kept exploring options in order to attain it. The subject at hand has been influenced largely by the concept that to be beautiful is to have light colored eyes, hair and skin. This is due popular cultures adulation of everything western and the commercialism that put Caucasian women on pedestals so that whoever appears different is considered less. There are several alternatives just to look beautiful in the standard set by the western culture: adhere to what is safe and natural, experiment on cosmetic products done through research or try modern alternatives that appear daunting and invasive like surgery and laser?

Frequently, the fundamental process involved in skin lightening remedies is the inhibition of melanin or the enzyme that catalyzes its formation resulting to its significant reduction. What is critical is how others use skin whitening remedies that could be potentially harmful to humans. Some skin whiteners that are used widely were seen to still incorporate the hydroquinine that is already banned in the US; some even contain very toxic mercury.

Alternative skin lightening remedies that are natural or with natural ingredients are available as an option. It is fortunate that the demand for these kinds of products has reached an all time high as they are not invasive, safer, more inexpensive and use more products commonly found at home. Some frequently used home remedies are turmeric, lemon juice, potato, strawberry, tomato, milk, honey, just to name a few.

Safer alternatives are available such as the tretinoin from natural sources like mulberry, azelaic acid, Kojic acid, arbutin from bearberry and alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) in the form of glycolic acid and lactic acid. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid does not only improve the immune system it also brightens skin tone and to a certain extent inhibit melanin production. The use of glutathione either as a tablet or injection became a crace very recently. Other methods like use of laser and cryosurgery can be resorted to for more immediate effects.

Owing to demand and components safe products are still demanded for but are still rather expensive. With the price, these products are moving so fast in the counters of the rich nations while the developing countries are becoming the dumping ground of products with banned chemicals. So, caution is the word to go by, to be safe.

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