Monday, 28 February 2011

Your Best Treatment For Acne Scarring Or Is It

Acne is probably the most common skin ailment. While there are no concrete figures, it's safe to assume that it affect millions of people around the world. Furthermore, it can affect anybody, regardless of age or gender. To make matters worse, acne scars can be visible long after the acne itself has cleared up. There is some good news in that you can choose from more than one treatment for acne scarring. However, you should know that not all acne scarring is the same, and that means not all treatments will work in all cases. Therefore, you should be sure to talk to a qualified medical professional about the options that are best for you and your particular situation.

Note: What follows should not be considered medical advice. Instead, it is meant to be informational so you can have a better conversation with your doctor when discussing your options.

Dermabrasion has been around for a long time, and has been used successfully by many people. This basically involves the precise removal of the outer layer of skin and is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. The downside is that recovery is often painful, and can last several weeks. It also requires careful post-procedure care.

More recent developments have brought about an exciting treatment for acne scarring; namely laser resurfacing. It tends to be more expensive than dermabrasion, and not all doctors are yet familiar with how to do it. But the benefits are many. For starters it is more precise, and depth is more easily controlled. The recovery time is also much shorter than, and less painful than dermabrasion.

Chemical peels for the removal of acne scars are a better option for you if your scars are mild. In simple terms, it's applying acid to the face to get rid of the outer layer of the skin. Once the old skin is gone, healthy new cells start to grow to take their place. Some people feel minor discomfort, while others can't tolerate the procedure at all. That being said, a chemical peel can often be done in as little as 15 minutes, so it's quick (though it may take several sessions to achieve the desired results).

Deeper "ice pick" acne scars usually require more invasive methods. One is uses a punch tool to cut out tissue, and then this is allowed to heal, or skin from another part of the body may be grafted in. There will be scarring, but the idea is that the new scarring will be much more controlled, and therefore minimized in comparison to the current scars. This is more invasive, but if you have severe scarring that is affecting your self-esteem, then it is definitely a viable option.

So, with all of the options that are available, it's really just a matter of finding the treatment for acne scarring that's best for you. Now that you have a better idea of some of the methods for reducing scars, you can talk to your doctor and get the problem fixed once and for all.

By Beauty Tips

Whats The Best Acne Scars Solution For You

Acne is the most common skin condition, and while it is normally thought of as affecting adolescents, the truth is that it can strike at any age. It may not be such a problem if its effects were temporary. However, acne can leave its mark. Perhaps that's why so many people are looking for an acne scars solution to fix their problem. The good news is that there are several treatment options available, depending on your specific scarring issues.

Microdermabrasion is an effective solution that has been used by people across the globe. It is a skin treatment that helps to repair scarred, damaged skin, and has even been known to reduce future acne outbreaks in some patients. The procedure is done with a device that can be thought of as a fine particle sandblaster. It sprays small crystals around the face and agitates them. This agitation abrades of the dead outer layer of skin.

Each treatment can take up to a half-hour. The main side effect is red skin, with some people reporting soreness or tenderness. However, it usually takes more than one treatment to achieve the desired results. It can take five or more treatments, and each session should be at least a week apart to make sure the skin has healed enough to handle the next treatment.

Microdermabrasion is not the same treatment as dermabrasion. This particular treatment (dermabrasion) can work well for those who have rounded, shallow scars. Again, there are potential side effects, and not everyone has the same results from the procedure. Typically speaking, those with darker skin coloration will have a harder time seeing their desired results. The other problem is that it can leads to skin blotches or discoloration. Dermabrasion is done with a device that actually scrapes of the top layer of skin. Therefore, it can't be performed on those who currently have acne.

A local anesthetic may be applied to make the area numb. Dermabrasion can take 30 to 90 minutes and is usually done as an outpatient procedure. However, the recovery times are much longer than with microdermabrasion. The skin tends to be red and quite swollen after the work is done, and can take up to two weeks to subside. After that your skin will still be pink and this can last for as much as three months. There will also be many things you will have to do once at home to make sure there aren't any post-procedure complications. Then, after all of that, you still won't know what the final results are for a few months.

Another option for acne scars solution is laser resurfacing. This uses a laser to very precisely destroy the skin so new skin cells can regrow and replace the damaged cells. While it's still a relatively new procedure, it is showing a lot of promise in the treatment of acne.

The information above is not meant to replace qualified professional advice. Therefore, you should always talk to your doctor about the treatments that are best for you.

By Beauty Tips

Various Acne Facial Scars And How To Treat Them

While there are no solid statistics, it's likely that millions of people across the globe suffer from acne facial scars. It's bad enough that the condition typically strikes during adolescence, but the scarring can leave its mark for the rest of your life if left untreated. This has a negative effect on you self-esteem and appearance, as you will see however, there is hope.

Acne scars, the same as other scars are the result of some injury or wound. Scarring is the result of the skin doing its job of healing. Anything that causes damage to the dermis can result in scarring. It's the inflamed skin lesions that lead to acne scars. There are several kinds of acne facial scars, and their treatment depends on certain factors.

Wide, oval or round depressions with steep sides are commonly called 'boxcar scars'. These happen when an outbreak damages the collagen, resulting in a loss of tissue. The best acne treatments for this type of scarring are dermal fillers, punch excision or elevation, or laser resurfacing.

Deep and narrow scars go by the ominous name of 'ice pick scars'. They get their name from the skin looking as though it were pierced with a sharp instrument. Such acne scars are the result of a deeper infection (such as from a cyst). The punch technique is often used to treat ice pick scars. This procedure involves removing the scar and stitching up the surgical wound.

'Rolling scars' resemble waves, and are often treated wit subcision. This is where a scar is removed from the deeper tissue, allowing for the pooling of blood beneath the scar. This then raises it up to give a more level appearance.

Keloid or hypertrophic scars are bright red and raised. While they can show up on your face, they are more typically found on other parts of your body. The big problem with these scars is that they can get bigger than the initial wound that caused them. This is the result of a triggering of too much collagen as a response to an acne breakout. Some of the more common treatments for these scars are tapes, cortisone creams or injections to flatten and shrink the scar. Laser treatment is also showing some promise for these scars.

The best way to reduce acne scarring is prevention. Do what you can to reduce or eliminate acne outbreaks in the first place. If you do experience an outbreak, don't squeeze, scratch or pick at anything. This only serves to push the infection deeper, and to spread to other areas you touch on your skin afterward. Picking at scabs should also be avoided, as doing so only lengthens the body's natural healing process, and increases the potential effects of scarring.

However, even if you follow all of that advice, you may still develop acne facial scars. In that case, visit a qualified dermatologist to discuss your options. Speaking of which, none of the above information is meant to replace professional medical advice, so always talk to your doctor when in doubt.

By Beauty Tips

Secrets Of Body Building Women

The phrase "body building women" conjures up different images for different people. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is a woman who has good muscle tone, small waist, flat tummy and is well-proportioned. On the other hand, you may picture a muscle-bound woman with a physique that looks similar to that of a man. Regardless of what you think of, the truth is that most women who have huge muscles tend to take steroids. That's because the male hormone testosterone is needed to produce bulky muscles. However, we will be taking a more sensible approach to getting fit.

If you're a woman and would like to slim down and tone up, then joining your local gym and taking a bodybuilding course is a good idea. Getting a personal trainer who has experience with helping women, specifically, is also a smart move. After all, no matter how equal men and women are in some areas, they are quite different when it comes to biology. For example, women tend to accumulate fat deposits in different areas of the body, and would want to target those parts more than a man would.

"But what if I stop working out and all of my muscle turns to fat?" Believe it or not, this is a common concern amongst people who are not sure about working out. But you can put your mind at ease as it's physically impossible for muscle to turn into fat, or vice-versa. It would be kind of like believing a piece of chicken could turn into ice cream if you let it sit long enough. When you're working out, you tend to need more calories to fuel your body. But if you keep eating the same amount of calories, and stop exercising, then your body isn't burning off those extra calories and you'll gain weight.

That being said, it is import for body building women try to maintain a regular workout schedule. Once you reach a certain level, you may find it hard to lose more weight or get fitter. This is commonly referred to as reaching a plateau. When this happens you can either push harder (be sure to consult with your trainer) to get past it, or you can go into maintenance mode where you exercise just enough to stay at your current level.

Even though you will be focused on bodybuilding, you still should do cardiovascular workouts as part of your routine. Generally speaking, weight lifting will add tone and some muscle mass, while cardiovascular exercises will help you to lose weight and improve your overall health. If anybody tells you that you have to give up one form of exercise for the other, don't believe them; you can do both.

Body building women are not some sort of strange creatures that are meant to be ridiculed. They are simply average women who want to look their best and be healthy. You don't have to worry about looking like a man, but you can certainly feel great about looking your best.
By Beauty Tips

Microdermabrasion Acne Scar Treatment

Let's face it (if you'll pardon the pun), nobody likes to suffer through an outbreak of acne. While most people think of acne as something that only affects adolescents, the truth is that virtually anybody can get it; regardless of age or gender. As if unsightly acne wasn't bad enough, severe cases can leave permanent scars. However, there is some good news in the fact that there are a number of treatments that can reduce the visibility of this scarring. Microdermabrasion acne scar treatment is one such example. Here are some things you should know about it.

As a word of caution, none of the following should take the place of qualified medical advice. If you have a problem with acne, or acne scars, then you should talk to your doctor about it. That being said, by learning about various treatment methods, you will be better informed which will allow you to have a better conversation with your doctor. Okay, on to the good stuff.

Microdermabrasion acne scar treatment actually covers a few related procedures. They all basically use devices which use fine particles of some kind to remove a good amount of the outermost layer of skin through abrasion. However, some microdermabrasion will involve the rubbing on of creams that contain small particles. These particles will help slough off dead skin cells, and other skin cells on the top layer of the dermis. What then happens is the body then produces healthy, new skin cells to take their place. In many cases, people will see near-immediate results, and the skin will look smoother and the acne scars will be less visible.

Now, microdermabrasion can be used for acne scars, but it also has other uses. For example, it does a fairly good job of reducing age spots, brown spots and fine lines. It has also been shown to help with blackheads, and enlarged and oily pores. You can think of the process as basically sanding down the skin. By using microscopic particles, it tends to cause fewer side effects than regular dermabrasion.

While microdermabrasion is an effective treatment for some acne scars, it doesn't work all that well for deeper, more severe scars. This is because the procedure only has an effect on the outer layer of skin, and can't penetrate deep enough for more severe scarring. However, regular dermabrasion, subcision, punch grafting and laser resurfacing may be viable alternatives if you have deeper scars.

However, if you have mild, more shallow scarring, then microdermabrasion is a good choice. The procedure usually takes no more than 30 minutes, and facial redness lasts approximately 24 hours. (This is much better than the several days of redness, and months of recovery typically associated with regular dermabrasion). Also, microdermabrasion isn't all that expensive with the average range being $75 to $350 per treatment. It's a generally safe procedure, though there is always a chance of side effects with any medical procedure. That being said microdermabrasion acne scar treatment is a good option for a lot of people.

By Beauty Tips

How To Achieve Straight Hair - Step By Step

Many of today's most popular hair styles require you to have stick straight hair, and for anyone who has naturally curly or wavy hair, learning how to achieve straight hair is the top priority.

There are a couple techniques you can use to get that straight hair that is so important to really be able to pull off today's popular hair styles.

Follow these steps:

1. Wash your hair thoroughly. Brush it out to remove all tangles. You should always brush gently from the bottom up to the scalp, this helps reduce breakage which can also make your hair damaged and not silky straight like you want it to be.

2. Buy and use a quality heat protection product. Most of these will go a very long way so you only need to use a little bit. Also, if you use too much your hair will look greasy and dirty, definitely not the look you were going for! Apply it evenly all over your hair starting at the bottom of your hair.

3. Section your hair and hold the sections you are not currently working on up with a pin or hair clip. You will be working with one section at a time.

4. Then you will need to take a straightener to one small section of hair at a time. You don't want to get too big of a section to work with since you will need the heat from the straightener to penetrate all the way through the section of hair.

Better to do too small a section and take a little longer than to try to do too big of a section and not get the results you want.

Depending on how thick your hair is and the quality of your straightener and how hot it gets, you may need to do a section more than once to get the results you really want. For that reason, make sure that you do this at least once so you know how long it will take, before you plan on doing it for some big event.

5. When straightening your hair, make sure you don't curve the straightener outward on the way down the section of hair. Doing so will make your hair flare out at the bottom and that probably isn't the look you want. Make slow controlled movements from top to bottom and keep it straight.

When you are done, carefully look over your hair, get a mirror to look over the back, and make sure you didn't miss any spots. Going out on the town with one section of hair that is wild and untamed while the rest is stick straight will look kind of weird, again, not the look you are going for.

6. And last, but not least, use a holding spray that will not only hold your hair in place, it will also add shine and luster.

That's it! You're ready for that night on the town. Go out and show the world your gorgeous straight hair now that you've learned how to achieve straight hair.

By Beauty Tips

How To Achieve Miley Cyrus Hair Beauty Tips

Apparently, it's not just teens and tweens who want to learn how to achieve Miley Cyrus hair, even adults love the look of a long, luxurious blond mane. If you want this look you have several options for achieving it.

First of all if you have long blond hair you can just style your hair in this fashion. To do that you will need to follow some simple steps:

1. With your completely dry, thoroughly brush your hair. Make sure it is totally tangle free.

2. Get some big (about 1" to 1 1/2" in diameter) hair rollers. Make sure that you get the type that are easy to remove from your hair. Some rollers are better at not just achieving the style you want but their design makes them less likely to damage your hair too. That is the kind you want to get since the heat of curling your hair is bad enough.

3. Start on one side of your head and take small sections of hair. Roll the hair in the curler all the way up as far as you can with the roller. Keep working your way around your head until you have curled all your hair. Let cool and remove rollers.

4. You can also get the same look by using a curling iron with a big barrel. If you use a curling iron you only have to leave it on the hair for 8 seconds at the most. Remember, heat damages your hair so do the very least you can and still achieve the look you want to have.

5. After removing the curling iron or curlers, lightly run your fingers through your hair to soften the curls. Doing this will soften the curls as well as give your hair the tousled look.

6. Finish with a hydrating product that can double as a holding product. That will keep your hair in place and also help you undo some of the damage you've just done to it.

If you don't have long hair, blond or otherwise, and you still want to learn how to achieve Miley Cyrus hair, you can get hair extensions to achieve this look. Hair extensions are becoming more and more popular and allow you to get the length you want, even though it is just on a temporary basis.

These extensions can last up to 6 weeks if they were properly applied and are properly cared for. They are bonded using glue and there can be a large difference in the quality of the extensions and the quality of the glue that is used.

Ask your hair stylist to put them in for you. Please be aware that they will fall out over time, a little here and a little there so you will need frequent trims of your hair to keep it looking right and to cover any 'holes' from where an extension has fallen out.

Now that you have learned how to achieve Miley Cyrus hair it's up to you to find the method that works best for you. You will have a slightly easier time of it if your hair is already long and healthy, but even if it's not, you can still get the hair style you really want.

By Beauty Tips

Does Laser For Acne Scars Work - Depends On You

Most people probably think of acne as something that only happens to teenagers, but the truth is that it can affect people of any gender and virtually any age. Acne outbreaks are not any fun. However, they don't always lead to scarring. True, they sometimes can, but what usually cause the scarring is scratching, squeezing and picking at the sores and bumps that pop up. While acne scars are unsightly, and can have a negative impact on how you view yourself, there is some good news. There are several treatments available that can reduce the visibility of the marks that acne leaves behind. One of the newer methods is laser for acne scars.

Before we get into more details on laser treatment for acne scars, it should be noted that none of what follows is meant to be medical advice of any kind. If you have acne scars that you want to get rid of, then it's up to you to seek the advice of a qualified professional. You can use the information shared here to help you have a better discussion with your doctor.

There are two main types of laser treatments: ablative and non-ablative. We will look at each one in turn.

The ablative laser for acne scars have been around for a while now. Such lasers work by destroying the topmost layer of skin. This also burns away scar tissue, and the collagen in the skin then tightens in response. This tightening is what causes the acne scar to become less visible. There are some drawbacks, though. The treated area gets very red, and can be highly sensitive until it has fully healed. It's important to follow any post-procedure care instructions that your doctor gives you as well. You will most likely have dressings to keep clean, and an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection of the more exposed skin. Once the new skin cells replace the outer layer, wrinkles and scars will be lessened.

Non-ablative lasers, on the other hand, do virtually no damage to the top layer of the skin. They work through the stimulation of collage. Where ablative laser for acne scars usually only requires one treatment, non-ablative normally needs to be done several times. However, it is less invasive, and has fewer side effects, so it may be a better option, especially if your have more sensitive skin.

There are not only different types of treatment, there are also different types of laser for acne scars. However, that would be a much too technical discussion for this article. What really matters is that you have a good foundation for talking to your doctor about getting rid of your scars. Knowing the difference between ablative and non-ablative lasers is a good start. The main thing is that while you may have scarring from acne now, there is no reason why you should have to put up with it for the rest of your life.

By Beauty Tips

Dermabrasion For Acne Scars

Acne! Yuck! Let's face it, nobody likes to get acne. And while most people think of it as a problem that only affects teenagers, the truth is that it can strike at any age. Acne is probably the most common skin condition found across the globe, and it affects both men and women alike. As if a simple outbreak of acne weren't bad enough, it's quite typical for scars to be apparent long after an outbreak has healed. This can have a negative impact on a person's self-esteem, and make them feel less attractive. However, there is some good news in that there are many different treatments available for acne. One proven treatment is dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion for acne scars has been around for a while, and it is an option favored by a lot of people. So, what is it? How does it work? And what are the complications? All of those are fair questions and we will look at each one in turn.

What is dermabrasion? We can get a clue by breaking down the word itself. 'Derma' refers to the skin, and 'abrasion' refers to using friction of some kind. The procedure is done with a motorized tool that removes the outermost layer of the skin. You can think of it as being similar to sanding away the surface of the skin. That may not sound pleasant, but let's answer the other questions first before making a decision.

How does dermabrasion for acne scars work? The short answer is "very well", in most cases. Doing this causes new, and healthier, skin cells to come in and take the place of the older, less healthy cells. Because it only affects the outer layer of the skin, the treatment is most effective for scars that aren't too deep. However, there can still be a noticeable improvement in just about any type of acne scarring. This leads to smoother, more healthy looking skin, which can be a huge boost to self-esteem.

What are the complications of dermabrasion? To begin with, it's a procedure that should only be done by a qualified professional as it requires local anesthetic of some kind. While it is done on an outpatient basis, it is still a surgical procedure that can take from 15 to 60 minutes, or more in extreme cases. Once you are at home, you will normally need to stay in for a few days until the swelling and redness go down. Due to the discomfort associated with dermabrasion, it's not unusual to be prescribed pain medication. Be sure to carefully follow any post-procedure instructions given to you by the doctor. Full recovery can take a few months, but it can be a very effective treatment for acne scars.

A word of caution: be sure to discuss and understand your various options with your own doctor. The above information should only be used to help you have a better conversation with your doctor, and should not be considered medical advice.

By Beauty Tips

Basic Body Building Tips For Women

Despite what the constant barrage of media tells us, the ideal body shape for women is...well, there is no ideal body shape. However, each woman has what she considers her ideal body shape. Hopefully this image will be based on her own desires, and not those that are constantly thrust upon her by a male-dominated industry. So, before we get started with some body building tips for women, I just wanted to say you should be yourself, and set fitness goals that mean something to and forget what anybody else says about it.

Speaking of goals, that's really where you need to start. There are a few things you should keep in mind to help you achieve them. Above all else, your goals need to be realistic. They can still be big, but if they aren't realistic to you, then you will have a hard time staying motivated because you won't see the point. For example, if you are a size 14 and want to get down to a size 4 in two weeks, then that's unrealistic. However, if you say you want to drop one full size every two months until you get down to a size 8, then that's more realistic. Furthermore, it's specific and structured in such a way that you will achieve several mini-goals on your way to your main goal.

The next thing you need to do is decide what fitness means to you. Which body building technique for women you choose will depend largely on what you're trying to achieve. If you want to add muscle mass and bulk up, then you need to lift the heaviest (or close to it) weights you can lift, but only for a few repetitions. If you want toned muscles, then you can use lighter weights, but then you have to do a lot of repetitions. And that's just one example.

Once you have your goals, you need to develop a plan that's best for you personally. This can be tricky as there is so much information out there, and a lot if it is contradictory. The easiest solution is to hire a personal trainer. A trainer will be able to assess where you are, where you want to be and the best way for you to get there. If a trainer won't work for you, then your local gym is your next best option. Ask to speak to someone about your fitness goals, then they can tell you which exercises are best for you, as well as which machines to use and how to use them.

There is more to body building tips for women than exercise. You also need to watch what you eat. A good rule of thumb is to eat foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Be sure to get enough sleep so you are ready to take on the day, and to have enough energy for any exercising you'll be doing. Stay motivated, and you'll be happy with the results.

By Beauty Tips

Bali Tourist Attractions

Bali has been on the tourist trail since the 1970s and combines a rich culture with azure seas, fine beaches and related tourist attractions. The island of Bali has a fantastic tourist infrastructure, with big resorts, international hotels and restaurants, and quality attractions, yet also offers the chance to get away from it all in its mountainous interior and traditional villages.

The main tourist attractions on Bali are the beaches and the weather, with Kuta Beach, in the south of the island, being a major highlight. This place has it all - sun, surf, bronzed bodies, and a pumping nightlife. Other notable areas include nearby and quieter Sanur, laid-back Nusa Dua, the bustling capital Denpasar, and cultured Ubud.

Bali Tourist Attractions: Kuta Beach
Address: Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia, ID
Kuta Beach is the most popular beach and the main attraction on the island of Bali.

It is mainly famed for its fine sands and buzzing nightlife and also has good surf in-season. Kuta also has a vibrant shopping scene as well as a huge amount of hotels and restaurants.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: free

Bali Tourist Attractions: Lovina Beach
Address: Bali, Indonesia, ID
Lying on the northern coastline of Bali, Lovina Beach offers something quite different to the sands of Kuta. Lovina Beach is the place to come if you want to explore the island's best coral reefs and is the pefect spot for both snorkelling and scuba dining. This part of the island is also the most likely place where you will see wild dolpins jumping in the sea, and tends to be noticeably quieter than the more touristy resorts located some 100 km / 62 miles to the south.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: free

Bali Tourist Attractions: Sanur Beach
Address: Sanur Beach, Bali, Indonesia, ID
Sanur Beach is a lot more laid back than busy Kuta and there is plenty of space to spread out on the sand. Sanur also has a large traditional village where tourists can get in among the locals at the many markets, small shops and cafés. Although fairly low-key, Sanur's best nightlife is enjoyed in its big hotels.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: free

Bali Tourist Attractions: Ubud
Address: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, ID
Ubud is a strikingly beautiful region of Bali, situated in the mountains to the north of Kuta Beach and Denpasar. It is a traditional town surrounded by many ancient villages and attractions, such Penestanan and Peliatan, and is also home to the Balinese royal family. There is a thriving art scene in Ubud and an array of temples.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: free

Bali Tourist Attractions: Surfing
Address: Bali, Indonesia, ID
Bali has some excellent surfing attractions, with conditions being suitable for beginners up to intermediate level surfers. The most popular breaks are in the south of the island in Kuta and around Nusa Dua. Kuta is good for beginners and also has the allure of the day and nightlife, while experienced surfers should head for Bukit Peninsula in the southwest. Bingin, Impossibles and Uluwatu are all big Bukit breaks.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: free

Bali Tourist Attractions: Denpasar
Address: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, ID
The capital of Bali has most of the traffic and pollution and is thus best for a day trip as opposed to staying here. The more discerning traveller may prefer to stay in Denpasar however, owing to its many excellent museums - including the vaunted Bali Museum, and tree-lined avenues. There is also a traditional market here.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: free

Bali Tourist Attractions: Bali Barat National Park
Address: Bali Barat National Park, Bali, Indonesia, ID
Tel: +62 0365 610 60
Encompassing parts of the north coast and the forested south, the Bali Barat National Park is loaded with animals and wildlife attractions, and is best visited at the end of the dry season, around August to December. It features the Bali starling, one of the world's rarest birds, as well as elusive leopards, Javan buffalo and barking deer. When trekking in the Bali Barat National Park, you will need to pay for a tour guide who can lead you to the best spots in the morning.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: charge for guide

Bali Tourist Attractions: Kintamani 
Address: Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia, ID
Kintamani is an out of the way historical city in Bali's mountainous region and was the main city here 1,000 years ago. It lies amid fantastic scenery and features the island's largest lake nearby, which sits inside a volcanic crater. In addition, there are quiet beaches as well as hot springs.
Bali tourist attraction open: daily
Bali tourist attraction admission: free

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Teeth Whitening - Is it Possible To Remove Both Internal and External Stains?

Stains on the teeth are more like stains on the personality of a person. The stains and the scars on the teeth are a sign that the teeth are not very healthy anymore. Teeth should be taken good care of. They are an asset to the personality of the person. It is an important habit to take care of the teeth so that they stay fit and healthy. There are discolorations of

teeth. This can be internal or external. The internal and the external teeth defects are due to different reasons. The internal can be due to reasons like alcohol and tobacco. The external one can be because of improper care. There are so many reasons why one may have discolored and unpolished teeth. If the discoloring is external, it can be removed easily. This can be done with ways like bleaching and whitening treatments. These shall help to restore the enamel of the teeth and make them come to their original color. There are simple and easy solutions that can help one in improving the color of the teeth and make them come back to their natural luster and shine. The shine and the color of the teeth can be improved to a great level with the help of these bleaches and colors. There can be a great uplift in the confidence of the person if the teeth are in good shape and color.

If the stains in the teeth are internal, then there are different sort of treatment for the same. If the stains of the teeth are from the inside, there are different procedures of removing them. These stains can be hid with the help of root canal and other complicated treatments. The higher the concentration of the whitener, the more effective it is. The better the bleaching is done, the more it stays. This is a good way of bringing back the color and the shine of the teeth. This is how the stains can be removed and the teeth can be made better looking. The capping of the teeth can be done and then the color looks better as well. There is a sort of gel that is used to bleach the teeth. Besides this there are do it yourself home bleaching kits that one can use on their own for the purpose of removing the stains of the teeth.

Available Methods and Products for Teeth Whitening

Teeth are one of the most important features of a human face. Be it a man or a woman, it is essential to have straight teeth and a dazzling smile. One can win many battles with that mere killer smile of theirs. There are many a methods and products that are available in the market these days for this purpose. It is a common method of whitening teeth to make them look brighter and cleaner. It is a technique called dental bleaching and it can be used for the purpose of making the teeth a better shape than they are. There can be discoloring of teeth due to many reasons. There can be teeth staining due to many a reasons like coffee, food particles and other things like tobacco and bacterial infections as well.

There are certain elements like tetracycline and others that can restore the excellence of the enamel of the teeth. Once the enamel of the teeth is restored, the teeth become white and pretty again. One should take appropriate care of the teeth to make them looking dazzling and sparkling for a longer time. Proper brushing of teeth regularly is a good way of keeping intact the natural luster of the teeth. The color and the shine of the teeth get hampered due to a number of reasons like eating too hot or too cold food items as well. The oxidizing agents that are available these days are a perfect way to restore the color and the shine of the teeth. There are excellent oxidizing agents like carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide.

These sorts of treatments are temporary and wither away with time. There are so many reasons why these treatments might wither away before time. Proper care needs to be taken so that the treatments stay for the prescribed time and the teeth look pretty for a long time.

The bleaching of the teeth gives a new shine and color to them and gives a new sort of confidence to the person. The color and the shine of the teeth is a very important asset of the face. It is a sign of the fact that the person takes real good care of themselves. So all you need to do is take the best care of the teeth and a few of these treatments are sure to make your teeth dazzle with all their strength and shine.

What is Teeth Whitening Paint?

Many people while meeting strangers feel hesitation; they make excuses to avoid them. It is all due to bad look of their teeth. They feel embarrassed of their teeth look. But now it is not a problem as there is a new product available for these problems and that is teeth whitening paint. It is used by professionals and its affect can be seen. By using these paints one can go to meet strangers and can shake someone’s hand with confidence and flashing his white and wholesome smile.

These teeth whitening paints do not require any special whitening trays and through it paint can be applied directly on the teeth so that paint can solidify on the teeth and act as a white film over the real tooth. Other advantages of these paints are that they are easy to use, relatively cheap and can be applied to individual teeth selectively.

This teeth whitening paint has primary bleaching ingredient such as carbamide peroxide agent or hydrogen peroxide which is used to solve the problems related to teeth. There are different types of paints available in the market. Some are applied for a period of 30 minutes while some for time of sleeping at the night. The best part of this whitening paint is that it can be removed simply by brushing the teeth.

This teeth whitening paint is safe and non- toxic and it gives the appearance of natural and white healthy teeth on one’s face. This paint can also be utilized to bright the crowns veneers and caps used in the teeth. This teeth whitening paint is the best solution for those people who do not want any big hassle and a big amount of money to be spent on treatment of their teeth. Through this teeth whitening paint people are saying good bye to their yellow or discolored teeth.

What Is A Teeth Whitening Pen?

Some people by looking at their friend’s smile imagine that they also get the same smile. It can be possible if they use a teeth whitening pen. This pen is a miracle which makes one’s teeth white. The best part of this pen is that it is safe, affordable and the most important is that it shows its effect quickly. It also saves the money which one has to give to a dentist for bleaching of teeth and the time spent in sitting with the dentist. Mainly it is designed by the experts and most of the dentists recommended this pen to those who want to get white teeth.

It is very simple to use. Firstly one has to rotate the bottom of this pen so that a small amount of gel is expelled on the brush. After that apply this gel on to the teeth and allow it to dry for 60 seconds. It works by bleaching the stains from the teeth. This gel should not be removed as it will go naturally or when one brushes the teeth. After applying this gel one has not to drink or brush teeth for 10 minutes to get full results. After one application of this gel, whitening can be noticed. This teeth whitening pen has various advantages which makes it a desire of the people. The best part of this pen is that it is small- sized and handy enough to be placed in the pocket of jeans or in the handbag.

Whitening teeth through this pen is a short process and thus it is less time consuming. Another plus point of this pen is that gel used in this pen is transparent which cannot be seen.
Because of all the above reasons a teeth whitening pen is ideal product for whitening the teeth and also it is effectual, handy and offered at cheap rates.

What Are The Common Myths Associated With Teeth Whitening?

The myths associated with teeth whitening restrict many people from enjoying the desirable benefits of different products and effective techniques. These myths are misleading the people thus resulting in an imperfect smile and lack of social interaction.

Here are some myths along with actual facts of teeth whitening-

Myth 1:- The only effective treatment of teeth whitening is through laser.
Fact: - This is not true that only laser whitening is an effective treatment because there are lots of other solutions present nowadays. Dentists may also suggest having a laser treatment as it provides immediate results. One can enjoy a good smile even with some cost effective methods such as home teeth whitening kits.

Myth 2:- All kits available for teeth whitening are same.
Fact: - This statement is absolutely wrong because different kits are available for different kind of users. Different ingredients are used in order to provide distinct results suiting the needs of people.

Myth 3:- Whitening kits are very harmful for gum and teeth.
Fact: - This is not possible that every teeth whitening kit is harmful but this depends upon the quality and brand of kit purchased by an individual. A high quality and well reputed teeth whitening kit will offer immediate and effective results but do not harm gum and teeth.

Myth 4:- Teeth whitening will weaken one’s teeth.
Fact: - There is no such factual research that can prove that teeth whitening weaken the teeth, thus this statement cannot be considered as correct. Nowadays, the process of teeth whitening is very effective and does not weaken one’s teeth.

Myth 5:- The results of teeth whitening are permanent.
Fact: - This is not true that teeth whitening results are permanent because one may have to visit dentists again and again.

With proper attention and choosing highly skilled and experienced dentist one can easily enjoy great benefits of teeth whitening.

What are DIY Teeth Whitening Kits? Are They Safe for Use?

Every person wants to flash a sparkling smile and to do this whiter teeth are required. Though there are number of dentists providing teeth whitening treatments, but to get the most economical and easiest treatment one can try DIY teeth whitening kits. These are designed specifically for people who don’t want to spend money on the expensive treatments given by a dentist. The best part is that the person doesn’t have to go anywhere to get dazzling teeth. At one’s home this kit containing proper system provides satisfactory results. These kits are very cheap as compared to the dental surgeries available for this purpose.

The DIY teeth whitening system is a purely professional system and can be used without any problem. This method is the safest to get rid of discoloration. Also it saves a lot of time because everyone knows that an appointment with a dentist is much time consuming. To preserve the teeth from bacteria and fungi this is the best solution. No one can avoid the drinking and the eating items which give rise to the tooth decay or staining so this is the ultimate product for all these problems.
The teeth whitening kits are easily available on most of the drug stores. Even a person can order them on the internet. Because of the benefits associated with these kits these have become the choice of everyone. These kits are usually available in the form of strips or bleaching gel which is tested in advance so there is no question of harming the teeth or even gums. The easy availability, less expensive and less time consuming are some of the most essential benefits of these wonderful kits. This works like magic and gives instant results.

The DIY teeth whitening kits are not just safe but suit the need of every person looking for the best method to get brighter teeth.

What are Teeth Whitening Strips?

Teeth whitening strips is the new innovation in the counter of products for teeth bleaching. The main idea in providing this product to people is to achieve less messy, whitening, superior, simpler system for whitening the teeth. These strips are thin, flexible, clear pieces of plastics or polyethylene in which one side is coated with a thin film of bleaching agent mainly hydrogen peroxide. They are designed in a way that the strip itself becomes bleaching agent’s delivery system.

These strips are very easy to use. This strip is put simply on the user’s teeth and then pressed gently into place so that it is stabilized and makes maximum contact between the teeth which has to be treated with the strip’s whitener. After the passing of treatment time, the strip is simply taken out and it is discarded. Mainly these strips are worn for thirty minutes in a day and twice a day. Treatment duration depends on the particular product and conditions of teeth. For course of 2 weeks these whitening strips have been coated with a whitener such as hydrogen peroxide where its concentration is 6%. In 2 weeks 56 strips will be used, 28 for lower teeth and 28 for upper. If course is of one week, the strips are coated with 10% whitener.

In this teeth whitening strip, no tray is needed as in the case of bleach treatment which are bulky and messy to wear, to fill and to remove. These teeth whitening strips are so effective that it provides best results to the user. Due to advantages of this treatment, most of the people find it the best treatment as it creates little interference of one’s daily activities. Due to its ease in working and relatively low cost it becomes one’s perfect choice in treatment of teeth. After trying these strips people feel that they have achieved the success what they wanted.

Pros and Cons of Laser Teeth Whitening

Today, laser treatments are easily available for several problems. One such problem is tooth discoloration. Laser teeth whitening treatments are very much in demand. Laser dental treatments deal with the problems like gum disease, teeth decay and teeth whitening. The laser activates the solution of the peroxide bleach present on the teeth surface and makes teeth whiter ultimately. The laser teeth whitening system is the fastest of all other means. But before going for this treatment one must know about its pros and cons.

Pros of laser teeth whitening treatment:

• The laser treatment gives the most visible effects than the other treatments. Also the laser is the finest dental tool which makes them achieve the best results in just few seconds.

• The speed of this treatment makes it look convenient to the client also. Because of the time shortage everyone wants to get the work done quickly. So it’s best for those who have busy schedule.

• A person can give confident smile after getting this treatment and can win the hearts of many with the killing smile because of the whiter teeth.

• Also it’s believed to be the most comfortable treatment because of the technique used and the time taken. Laser teeth whitening heighten the comfort zone.

Cons of laser teeth whitening treatments:

• The major disadvantage of this treatment is that some of the people show sensitivity towards the rays of the laser.

• Some also face increased gum problems and other dental complications long after taking this treatment.

• The laser teeth whitening treatments are also the most expensive ones than the other treatments in the same category.

By taking into account the pros and cons of this laser procedure related to the dental surgery one can easily take the most effective decision suiting one’s requirements.

Five Best and Safest Teeth Whitening Products!

Nowadays there are various teeth whitening products available in the market which are not just effective but also safe to use. The top five teeth whitening products on which a person can rely completely are:

1. Teeth Whitening toothpaste: The whitening toothpastes work as stain removers and usually contain fluoride to serve the purpose of teeth whitening. These are the most affordable of any other product available for the said purpose. The abrasive nature of some of the whitening toothpastes arises some problems including sensitivity. Others find its taste weird. But most of the dentists recommend them and the previous users also support its effectiveness.

2. Teeth Whitening strips: These strips are applied to the teeth for few minutes as prescribed by the dentist. These strips are believed to be free of pain, discomfort or sensitivity. Most of them come in mint flavor and taste really well. These strips remain at the place of their application and don’t dissolve in the mouth. It also gives immediate result to the satisfaction of the user.

3. Pre-brush whitening rinse: The mint taste of this product makes it pleasing to use. The daily usage is believed to give desired results. It’s also believed to be the easiest method for getting dazzling teeth.

4. Teeth whitening gel: The teeth whitening gels are ideal for those who have to purchase the additional gels recommended by the dentist. These promise to show the best results with zero sensitivity. To remove the darkness of the teeth the touch ups with the whitening gels is the most appropriate method.

5. Bleaching dental system: Bleaching is the quickest formula to get whiter teeth. These bleaching kits come with the instructions in detail, a guide for tooth shade and a desensitizing professional tooth pen. This whole package is most commonly used by the people at home.
These products are the safest and the most appropriate and are used by a lot of people.

Easiest Way For a Bbrighter Smile - TEETH Whitening

There are many ways for getting a brighter or whiter smile, but the main thing which gives a lovely smile is awareness among the people. There are some keys to get a whiter smile and most important is the set of tooth which should be healthy and shiny. The easiest ways through which one gets a brighter or whiter smile are as follows:

• Paying attention to the diet: It is the simplest way to get a whiter smile. For this one should take care of their diet as the diet which the people eat can affect their teeth. For e.g. coffee, chocolate, red wine and tobacco are some types of eating stuff which can affect the teeth and put a stain on those teeth. So the best way is to consume these foods less and eat more which make teeth healthy and strong so that one can get a star- worthy smile.

• Maintaining the smile- To get a whiter smile another easy way is to maintain the smile which one has. For this one has to eat fruits such as apples, pears, carrots etc. as these fruits produce saliva which helps in cleaning the teeth and removing bacteria from them.

• Brushing the teeth twice a day- Brushing the teeth with toothpaste which has active ingredients is also an easier way to get whiter smile. Teeth should be brushed twice a day, once in the morning and other in the night before sleeping.

• Some natural ways: There are also some natural ways to get a brighter and whiter smile. Sage leaves (dried or fresh) can be rubbed directly into teeth, banyan roots and babul twings can be used as disposable toothbrushes as they increase the whitening of teeth. Baking soda can be used for teeth whitening as it reduces any acids which may harm teeth’s enamel.
Above said are the easiest ways to get a perfect whiter smile.

Are Surgical Teeth Whitening Procedures Safe?

Teeth whitening, a dental treatment is used to lighten the teeth’s natural color. A lot of drinks and other food stuff make teeth look ugly over a period of time. Though everyone brushes the teeth one or two times a day but it’s not enough to get perfect white teeth. Most of the people try different surgical procedures of teeth whitening in order to get stain free teeth. Though these treatments are effective to a certain extent but not under every condition. A person with the bonded teeth or having teeth with any type of filling won’t find them as effective as the others. Also these procedures don’t make any impact on the bridgework or the dentures.

The surgical teeth whitening procedures are only for the people having the stained or the yellowish teeth. To judge its viability in a specific case contacting a dentist is the only option. Basically to whiten the teeth specific bleach made for this purpose is used. The carbamide peroxide or the hydrogen is the main component contained by the solution. This solution allows the oxygen’s entry to the enamel to give brighter effect. The maximum time this treatment takes is a month and one has to visit the dentist two to three times to complete the process. Some of the dental treatments also require the application of the bleach at home for a certain period of time during the treatment.

Though most of these treatments are safe but one needs to acquire certain knowledge about them in advance. Checking their effectiveness and the longevity is the most essential task. If a person takes some measure to avoid smoking or consuming of any substance causing staining then the white teeth lasts longer. Otherwise no one can give surety for its duration and effectiveness. Maintaining whiter teeth is the responsibility of the individual at last.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Bunaken : Breathtaking Underwater Life

Ever fancy yourself being a mermaid? Being able to swim along with other creatures of the sea , moving to the rhythm of the waves? In the Bunaken Marine Park, you will encounter a real “mermaid”, and you can also get a glimpse of sea life here.

Bunaken is an 8.08 km² island in the Bay of Manado, situated in the north of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken forms part of the administrative city of Manado , capital of North Sulawesi. The marine Park around Bunaken is part of the National Park that also includes the ocean around the island of Manado Tua – or Old Manado, Siladen and Mantehage.

Within the Bunaken Marine Park, visitors can see various strange and colourful marine life along its sea bed. To reach this park, you can take a motorboat. The journey from Manado takes around 40 minutes. Entrance fee is 25,000 rupiahs per person per visit.

The translucent waters of the Bunaken seas enable people to clearly view numerous sea biota. There are 13 species of coral reefs in this park, dominated by edge ridges and block ridges of rocks. The most attractive view is the steep vertical sloppy coral reef that plunges down as deep as 25-50 meters.

Feast your eyes on 91 types of fish found in the Bunaken National Park, amongst which are the locally known gusimi horse fish (Hippocampus), the white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow-tailed lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus) and others.

Divers may also meet mollusk like the giant kima (Tridacna gigas), goat head (Cassis cornuta), nautilus (Nautilus pompillius) and tunikates/ascidian.

For those who enjoy scuba diving, this is a great place to be. With about 20 dive spots to choose from, divers will have the chance to swim below the sea, and frolic joyfully while admiring the sea creatures.

Make sure to visit Bunaken during its best season between May to August. That way you can explore the Park to its fullest.

Sumber :

Friday, 4 February 2011

What You Need To Know About Hand Nail Care

Your hands are important parts of your body. It has many functions in a person's daily routine and without it, those tasks would only be half done. However, not everyone has the luxury and budget for maintaining beautiful and presentable hands. The harsher your work routines, the more prone your hands are to extreme tasks and factors. You need to find hand nail care solutions to protect and keep them healthy especially if your work calls for using your hands often.

Another factor that can affect your hand and nail health is the weather. People with dry and wrinkly hands, as well as brittle nails are typically those who live in areas that experience extreme weather conditions. Extreme weather takes away moisture from your skin and nails which make them weak and unhealthy on the outside.

One of the things that you can do is to use moisturizing lotion since this can hydrate and make your skin and nails soft. You may use warm olive oil instead of creams or lotions and you can soak your hands and nails in it for a few minutes. Another hand nail care basics is to use warm water during winter time which not only makes your hands and nails hydrated and supple, but provides warmth and improves circulation on that area.

Getting a manicure on a regular basis is another hand nail care routine. If you can afford it, you can go to a nail spa/salon for some nail care and pampering. If you are out of budget, you can just get one of those DIY nail spa kits that cost a fraction of one nail spa session.

The most basic of hand nail care are cleaning and trimming your nails. These routines are done by everyone to keep their hands and nails clean, and pleasant-looking all the time. Adding nail polish and other aesthetic elements can add beauty not just to the person's hands and nails, but also to the person's overall appearance.

Lastly, hand nail care is not just a routine. Society had since used it as bases for professionalism, hygienic practices, health indicators, and many others.

By Beauty Tips

What Nail Care Vitamins Do You Need?

Taking care of your nails doesn't stop at getting regular manicure or pedicure. If you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, there would be some sort o f manifestation. Your nails are actually made of keratin - a form of protein that protects the fingertips, and provides texture, strength and color to your nails. Nail care vitamins can help you keep these intact and prevent other nail problems.

You can prevent brittleness, appearance of ridges, discoloration and dryness of your nails with nail care vitamins. Your fingers would also need these vitamins to be simultaneously nourished with your nails. You can get the nail care vitamins that your body requires from the food you eat. Make sure to include colorful veggies and fruits in your diet from this day on because they contain the best vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. Milk, eggs, fish, lean meats, and other protein-rich foods are good for boosting keratin to help keep your nails and hair healthy as well.

Below is a list of particular nail care vitamins and minerals that you may need.

Vitamin A - this helps moisturize and keep nails from becoming brittle; it also helps in boosting nail growth

Vitamin B - this prevents nails from becoming fragile and stops the formation of ridges; enough vitamin B also helps prevent nail bacterial and fungal infections

Vitamin C, protein and folic acid - they help prevent white bands and hangnails

Vitamin E - enhances nail strength and texture

Vtiamin B7 - also called biotin, is a nutrient which occurs naturally in nail and hair; enough supply of vitamin B7 enhances nail and hair health

Vitamin B12 - prevents dry, curved and dark nails

Vitamin K - plays a huge role in protecting the body as a whole; enough supply of vitamin K prevents blood clots internally and externally

Minerals such as selenium, zinc and copper are also essential sources of nutrients and benefits for your nails. These minerals can enhance the smoothness and improve the texture of your nails.

You can consult with your doctor about the specific nail care vitamins that you can get from supplements. There are many options out there, but it's still advisable to seek advice from your doctor to ensure your overall health and well-being.

By Beauty Tips

Protect Your Health And Wallet With Nail Care Kits

It may cost you some money in order to keep your nails clean and healthy by going to a salon regularly. If you'll look at statistics, majority of women go to these places to get their nails done simply because they believe that the spas and salons can give their nails the best treatments possible. Now multiply those sessions by 12 months. Multiply it by the cost per treatment - bear in mind that some salons/spas charge more than $100 for each nail treatment. Not all nail treatments are priced equally, so in one year you might end up spending more than just $1000. Now think about getting yourself some nail care kits for a fraction of that amount.

So why should you invest in nail care kits?

You're not just saving on cash but your health as well. Accidents can happen in any places and that doesn't leave the salons and spas. They use sharp items like cuticle trimmers and pushers, and other related tools.

Then there's the issue on sterilization and bacteria. In a fast-paced environment like crowded salons, things can get pretty hectic that the staff forgets to sterilize their stainless steel tools. No one can tell if the nail care kits in salons and spas are properly sanitized for the next customers even if they look clean from the outside?

Knowing how to clean and maintain your nails are good reasons to not go to these places and pay for nail treatments anymore. If you have no choice but to go there due to your hectic schedule, ensure that the nail care kits and tools are properly sanitized.

All nail care kits should have are the basic tools and items. You can add more as your need increases in time. You should get a - cuticle clipper/cutter; nail files of various sizes and grits; finger resting stand; various sizes of nail brushes; cuticle pusher; nail clipper; towels; cotton balls; nail polish remover; nail polish; and many others.

You can treat your nails regularly and it won't cost you anything. And what's best about it is that you know are you're sure that your nail care kits that are safer.

By Beauty Tips

Practical Hand And Nail Care Tips

Your hands and nails also need attention like the other parts of your body. These are the most utilized parts of your body so it is only imperative that you take care of them properly. Most people only associate hand and nail care to manicure of pedicure. You can either go to a local nail salon if you have extra cash to spare, or you can just do this at home. Hand and nail care should not just be confined on typical cleaning since the hands and nails also need long-term health.

One of the things that you can do to improve your hand and nail care regimen is to have a healthy diet. Keratin - a type of protein - is the main component of nails which help protect the fingertips. Protein in your diet is essential in taking care of your hands and nails internally. Foods that are high in protein such as lean meats, veggies, legumes, and fruits should be part of your daily diet.

It is also best if you eat foods that are high in vitamins since they help improve the texture, appearance and strength of your nails. Deficiencies in vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C and E can cause brittleness, white bands and ridges.

For topical hand and nail care, there are nail creams and lotions that also have nutrients in them. These topical products help the hands and nails externally. You can search for nail and hand creams with such nutrients, just make sure that they are natural and chemical-free. If these hand and nail care products are too costly for your budget, you can always turn to natural sources such as those that are available in your kitchen.

Lemon juice is an all-natural topical product that you can use because of its vitamin content. Lemon juice is a great source of vitamin A and C, and drinking it while using it as an application maximizes its benefits both ways. You may also use mustard and/or olive oil in massaging your hands and nails. For better absorption, these oils should be used warm. They help bring back the moisture in your hands and nails.

It is essential to keep your nails and hands clean and hydrated at all times to prevent them from dryness and from having unpleasant texture. By regularly practicing these, you can maintain the beauty and health of your hands and nails.

By Beauty Guide

Organic Nail Care - Natural And Better Nail Treatments

Not everyone likes the idea of chemicals going into their systems, and this also involves those that go into the skin and nails. Going natural or biological for that matter is not just stuck on the food you eat - it goes far as using organic nail care treatments for better nail health and safety.

It is often thought that organic nail care products are generally expensive compared to regular nail products in the market. It's more likely that they are only being sold in nail salons and spas that usually have their own brand/s of organic nail products. If you are planning to get organic products for your nails, it is possible to find a retailer that sells them or you may find some brands at your local department store.

The ingredients in these organic nail care treatments are basically made of natural, most often herbal, elements that do not contain harsh chemicals. People with certain heath conditions or high sensitivity to certain chemicals are often advised to used organic products.

Your nails, hands, feet and skin are directly affected by the harsh side-effects since they are all exposed to these products. So if you are highly sensitive even to minute traces of chemicals in nail products, you are at risk of certain side-effects from these elements.

What nail care products contain organics then?

Most of the nail care treatments that contain herbs and organic ingredients are nail moisturizing creams, lotions and solutions that are used widely in spas and salons. Some of these organic nail care products are formulated and mixed specifically for the client. You can find a line of organic nail care treatments on the internet which you can buy and use at home.

Once you find organic nail polish, it's best that you check the ingredients to see if it is 100% organic. However, you might not easily find these products because most brands have chemical enamel, hardening and drying agents in them.

If this is your first try at organic nail care products, it is advisable that you go to a nail spa/salon and ask if they offer organic products. Compare prices and ingredients when you find a retailer so you'll be able to save money as well.

By Beauty Tips

Natural Nail Care - Some Practical Tips

Choosing to go to a nail salon on a regular basis can be an expensive method of caring for your nails. Although nail care treatments are generally inexpensive, having someone do your nails is a different story. You'll find a lot of natural nail care products that are available in your kitchen if you wish to stick to natural methods. These are cheap and easy to use particularly if you can't afford to spend hours waiting and getting things done in a nail salon.

Apart from the expense, natural nail care remedies are also considered organic or herbal. Using fruits, veggies, oils and other food sources are the best for keeping your nails healthy and strong. With natural nail care, you'll need to do it the right way - apply the necessary methods while eating the right foods. Bear in mind that caring for your nails should be done both ways - from the inside and out.

One of the most common problems with nails is that it can accumulate dirt and bacteria if not taken cared of properly. The most basic of way of taking care of your nails is by cleaning them on a regular basis by washing your hands and feet whenever necessary.

Another problem is that nails can become fragile due to iron deficiency. If you have this problem, you should take sufficient amount of iron by eating iron-rich foods such as liver, seafood, beans, lean red meat, whole grains, turnip greens, spinach, tofu, nuts, dried prunes/dates/raisins/apricots and many others.

Below are some more natural nail care tips that you can apply:

Nail Care Tip #1
Lemon juice can be used as a natural remedy for dry and stained nails. Soak your nails in a mixture of 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 cup of water for a few minutes. Rinse with warm water prior to applying moisturizer.

Nail Care Tip #2
Massage your nails with lemon juice-dipped cotton ball. Wash them after a few minutes. Do this regularly to make your nails strong and shiny.

Nail Care Tip #3
To keep your nails shiny and beautiful, you can apply olive oil on your nails daily. Harden your nails by soaking them in warm olive oil for 15 to 20 minutes every 2 days.

Nail Care Tip #4
You may use warm mustard oil for soaking your nails for around 8 to 10 minutes. Then gradually rub to aid blood circulation. You can have nails that are stronger and healthier through this method.

You will find that there are more natural nail care tips and remedies at the comfort of your home. And while you're at it, make sure that you also eat the right foods to boost the positive effects of these natural products and applications.

By Beauty Tips

Best Nail Care Products Of Today

Nail care products were already being used during the time of ancient Egyptians and the reign of the Pharaohs. They used henna to put color onto their nails and fingertips. This practice was to beautify the nails and also to signify social order. In the early days, the Ancient Chinese, used colored lacquer made of gum Arabic, beeswax, gelatin and egg whites. Today's nail care products are largely different from these ancient products.

Today's nail care products are not just confined on the beautifying elements but also on hygiene and health. No need to worry in keeping healthy, beautiful nails because these products are abundant - you can buy and use them at home, or get them as an add-on when you visit a salon.

Here are some of the most common nail care products that you'll find today:

Nail polish removers - These are commonly used to remove nail polish. However, they tend to make the nails dry and brittle in some occasions, so limit your usage per week.

Nail lotions - These are used to keep nails moisturized and healthy-looking. Use them if have cracked and dry nails.

Base coat - A base coat that has UV protection is ideal to use prior to applying nail polish. This prevents nails from nail polish stains.

Cuticle cream - Cuticle creams may have essential ingredients such as vitamins A and E, plus jojoba oil which help soften the cuticles.

Top coat or nail sealer - To help protect and retain your nails' moisture, you can apply top coats over your nail polish or just over natural nails.

Nail polish - You'll find hundreds of nail polishes in the market, and they also come in various types, such as those that correspond to specific nail problems.

Nail hardener - Brush this product over your nails to protect, strengthen and moisturize them.

Nail polish thinner - These are used to thin out nail polish. Keep it in the fridge to prolong its shelf life.

Nail care lotion - Both your hands and nails need to be kept moisturized and soft, and this product can help you achieve that. Wash your hands before using it for better results.

Nail brush - Remove stains and dirt by scrubbing your nails with a nail brush. Use mild soap for better results.

You can easily buy these nail care products since they are inexpensive. And it is best to only buy what you currently need. If you prefer to go to a salon, then you may have to spend a little for the service and other products that may be offered to you.

By Beauty Tips

Hair Removal For Men - Top 4 Methods

Hair removal for men was not a common practice during the early times. Being hairy seems to be a macho thing for some of the guys. However, these days many guys are upgrading their looks by being clean and hair-free because of the influence of body builders and celebrities.

Many would agree that hair removal for men is generally a common practice. Actually, this is not for every guy since there are some who still stick to their belief that being hairy means being more manly.

As for those guys who do want to change their image and appearance through hair removal for men, the challenge lies on the method they'll use. This could also be a reason why other guys don't want to have their body hair removed.

Here are the top 4 methods that you can use:

Shaving - Shaving is a common method of removing guys' facial hair such as beard and mustache. However, it can also be used as a method to remove unwanted body hair on certain parts. Depending on your hair's growth rate, it may last 4 to 7 days before your next shave. If you have a sensitive skin, it is best to look for other options since shaving can irritate and cause small cuts on the skin.

Waxing generally has better results and is an ideal method for hair removal for men. Waxing may be a little costly, but it can help you get the best result since you can be hair-free from 4 to 6 weeks. The process can be painful particularly on areas with thinner skin. Just ensure that you are ready for s little pain and you need to tell the salon staff in case you have sensitive skin.

Laser - Laser hair removal is another way to lose those unwanted hair. This is probably one of the best among the best methods because it is painless and permanent. The only issue here is the high price.

Hair removal products can be your best option if you don't have the budget or if you dread the possible pain involved in the process. You can use topical products such as creams since they are highly available in pharmacies and other beauty stores. Make sure to consult your dermatologist before you buy anything.

The modern guy who applies hair removal for men is actually using an innovation that can help him look and feel good. If you are one the many guys out there who want to try hair removal, it is advisable that you do a bit of research or ask a salon specialist. It is also important to consider your budget so you'll be able to save for the hair removal method of your choice.

What are the Sources of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is essential to the human body, it is imperative to get adequate supply every day. They should realize that sources of Vitamin D are the key to good health maintenance, and it plays a lot of key roles in one’s health development. It maintains the body’s immune function, and it regulates the calcium and phosphorous levels in the body which reduces risks of bone diseases. Vitamin D is vital to a balanced and healthy diet. The body can get Vitamin D from various natural and supplemental sources. The sources of Vitamin D are somewhat limited yet easily obtainable.

One of the most common sources of vitamin D is the sunlight. Adults must be open to the elements of the sunlight for atleast 20 to 30 minutes per day to get enough vitamin d. People with darker skin or use sun blocks with high SPFs should be aware that they need to stay longer under the sun for their daily Vitamin D dosage. Now, if you are living in the utmost northern or southern hemisphere of the globe then it is best to get as much sunlight as you can, especially if the sun shows up for only six months of a year.

The second sources of Vitamin D are food sources. Cod liver oil is the best food source followed different kinds of fishes that include salmon, tuna and mackerel. In addition to that, dairy products are available but make sure that the label indicate that it is fortified with vitamin D. Foods like cereals, juices, yogurt and margarine are also rich in vitamin D.

Lastly, dietary supplements are also good sources of vitamin D. Some people opt for multivitamins while others prefer single supplements in the form of D2 and D3, which health experts suggest that D3 is more effective than the former. D3 produces the pre hormone calcidiol and a steroid hormone called calcitriol.

It is important to note the sources of Vitamin D because one should always make use of them as a way to prevent certain diseases from ravaging our systems.

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What are the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency?

It is unfortunate that a lot of people don’t know the severity and symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. People have a hard time diagnosing vitamin D deficiency because its symptoms are similar to a variety of muscular, gastrointestinal and autoimmune diseases. If left untreated, Vitamin D deficiency can be a serious health issue that one should confront in the future. If one thinks that the symptoms of Vitamin d deficiency are manifesting in the body, seek medical attention immediately.

A common symptom of Vitamin D deficiency is unusual pain. One may visit a neurologist and undergo a series of laboratory examinations. If all the results yield negative findings, then the underlying cause may be vitamin D deficiency.

A symptom of vitamin d deficiency is pain radiating from their bones. This may be attributed to osteoporosis brought about by lack of vitamin d for long periods of time. Additional symptoms may include bone fractures, lower back pain, and loss of height, neck pain and stooped posture.

A symptom that can distinguish Vitamin D deficiency is a change in normal behavior. They would experience mood swings, depression or both. They may deal with what experts called “winter blues.” Vitamin D deficiency can consider muscle weakness as one of its symptom. Such weakness comes with a general feeling of fatigue and low energy. Fatigue is different from being sleepy, because one just has a feeling of being tired instead of yearning for some shut-eye.

Sleep irregularities is also a symptom of Vitamin D deficiency and what’s bad about it is people don’t associate this symptom with lack of Vitamin D, hence they take it for granted.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms can also manifest in bone and muscle weakness. One would have a hard time rising from a chair, or climbing stairs or even walking. Osteomalacia for adults, rickets for children, both terms refer to softened bones. Since the arms and legs are not bowed, adults don’t realize that their bones have softened or are softening. Spotting vitamin d deficiency symptoms are very hard for people. It is important to take note of vitamin D intake so one can prevent vitamin d deficiency from developing.

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Vitamin D3: Discover the Benefits and Functions

D2 and D3 are the two forms of Vitamin D. Among the two the most beneficial to the human body is the vitamin D3 because it controls the level of phosphorous in the blood and calcium that are very important in terms of bone development and growth. D2’s origins are from plants and invertebrates and not necessarily from the body. D2 has a hard time being absorbed by the body and does not have the same effect as the one given by D3. D3 is a byproduct of the sun’s ultraviolet B rays and the body’s surface. Animals such as sheep are great sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin D3 Benefits.

Vitamin D3 brings forth a lot of benefits. One of the many reasons why doctors suggest parents to have their children play under the sun is because it promotes healthy teeth and bones in children and encourages calcium absorption. This is an important aspect in bone mass building and prevention of bone loss and protecting people against muscle weakness. Vitamin D3 also reduces the risks of breast, colon, and prostate cancer. This is because this compound improves the functions of the immune system, which counteract autoimmune diseases. People who are suffering from the pains and aches brought about by rheumatoid arthritis will find their relief in Vitamin D.

Primary Functions of Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 is the only vitamin that can be produced naturally by exposing oneself under the rays of the sun. Though it is considered a vitamin, D3 has hormone-like attributes. When the sunlight penetrates your skin, it will start the process of synthesis in your liver and kidney. This will creates the essential vitamin in our body to maintain balance. Vitamin D3 then regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorous in the body thus regulating bone and muscle development.

Better make sure that one would get sufficient amounts of Vitamin D for better health. The other sources of vitamin D are milk, tuna, sardines, eggs and salmon.

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The Pros and Cons of Liquid Vitamin D

A majority of the American population, around 40% takes multi vitamins or vitamin supplements. But little do they know that the body does not consume almost 95 percent of the nutrients in the supplement properly. This renders the pills and tables useless or ineffective when it comes to their purpose. It’s a good thing than another alternative is available, liquid vitamins. They are more efficient as compared to chewable vitamins.

These supplements such as liquid vitamin d are easier to consume than swallowing a large tablet with water. Another plus for liquid vitamin takers is the variety of flavors one can choose from to suit one’s distinguished palates. One asset of liquid vitamin d is that the body can easily absorb it into its system. If the supplement is in liquid form, a specific compound is broken down into its elements making it more absorbable for the body. The absorption rate of a tablet vitamin is 30% compared to the 90% absorption rate of liquid vitamin. Since the body consumes the liquid vitamin d adequately, the nutrients are also more effective. Plus, most liquid vitamins are highly concentrated compared to the tablet.As a result of this high concentration, the bio-activity of one’s body increases. A resulting effect will be the strengthening of the immune system.

One should take note that there are also disadvantages in taking liquid vitamin D. Absorption of liquid is not at all good for the body. This is because all liquids ingested to the body lose nutrients during the process of digestion. Now, in this situation the liquid vitamin d will also lose its nutrients even before it enters the intestine where the actual digestion of the vitamin occurs. Yet it is still efficient as compared to chewable supplements considering it is dispersed in the body through the blood stream.

The popular option is the liquid vitamin because of its potency and efficiency. Whatever vitamins the body requires, it is best to take it in liquid form.

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Vitamin D: Anything in Excess is Bad

One may often lead to inquire how can a vitamin, that is very important to the body can become harmful when taken into excess? Yes, vitamin D is produced by direct exposure to sunlight and it is naturally produced in the human body, which is also fat-soluble making it completely harmless. Vitamin D toxicity occurs when there is an excess of intake of vitamin D supplements. When one consumes large amounts of vitamin d, the chances of vitamin D toxicity is high especially if the body fails to absorb it all. People have misconceptions that taking so many vitamins are harmless yet they never realize anything in excess could be harmful to one’s health. When people take more vitamin than the body needs, this condition can raise serious problems such as Vitamin D toxicity.

Vitamin D toxicity can be described by the following symptoms.

An effect of excess vitamin D is hypocalcaemia, which is an elevated calcium level in the blood. This will lead to anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. If it is left untreated, it may lead to further complications such as drowsiness, constant headaches, joint pains, bone pains and even irregular heartbeat. The most unnoticeable symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are excessive thirst, weakness, itching, and frequent urination. These can be misleading to other causes but in truth, this comes from over consumption of vitamin D. Kidney failure and ischemic hear disease are the worst thing that may happen if the condition persists.

One should always take note that the long exposure to the sun will not cause vitamin d toxicity. It will not also happen when eating foods rich with Vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements taken in excess can lead to breaking down of bones. So be sure to give extra caution. Although vitamin d toxicity is a rare case, this condition should not be completely ignored. It is still important to consult a physician when taking the proper dosage of supplements. After all, vitamin d supplements should augment the lack of vitamin d.

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The Importance of Purchasing Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium metabolism in the body. Although the human body when exposed to direct sunlight naturally produces vitamin d, there are cases that our body cannot produce sufficient amount of vitamins. This can lead to Vitamin D deficiency that has disastrous effects on the body. People buy Vitamin D supplements to make sure they can prevent the effects of Vitamin D deficiency which are mineralization of bones and teeth, rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

Nowadays, people don’t get sufficient vitamins in one’s intake of food that is why they resort to buy Vitamin D supplements. Come to think of it, people who are living in the north hemisphere are highly possible to suffer from vitamin D deficiency because they do not get enough sunshine particularly in the winter. Physicians require their patients to buy vitamin d supplements so they can balance the vitamin levels in their body.

It is important to take vitamin D because during the cold season, the body produces less of it and the immune system is thus prone to infection. This supplement is effective in strengthening your immune system and helps your bodies fight off bacteria causing flu, cold, or infections. People also buy vitamin D supplements for other reasons, one of which is to prevent the risk of acquiring type 1 diabetes.

Vitamin D can cause positive effects on the body, for diabetics it can reduce insulin resistance and controls the body’s blood sugar that reduces risks of diabetes related problems. It improves an individual’s eyesight, memory, and focus. It also protects the cardiovascular system by making sure that there is amply blood supply to the heart. It also eases the stress of heart-damaging inflammation and strengthens the heart muscles by calming the blood pressure. Just like everything in life, when one buys vitamin D, make sure it is taken in moderation, for taken in excess may lead to disastrous results. Consult with a physician first if the body needs vitamin supplements. Keep in mind that you need enough sunshine to allow your body to naturally produce vitamin D but if you are encouraged to stay indoors a lot, supplements are very helpful. You may buy vitamin D online or from drug or health stores.

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