Monday, 28 February 2011

Whats The Best Acne Scars Solution For You

Acne is the most common skin condition, and while it is normally thought of as affecting adolescents, the truth is that it can strike at any age. It may not be such a problem if its effects were temporary. However, acne can leave its mark. Perhaps that's why so many people are looking for an acne scars solution to fix their problem. The good news is that there are several treatment options available, depending on your specific scarring issues.

Microdermabrasion is an effective solution that has been used by people across the globe. It is a skin treatment that helps to repair scarred, damaged skin, and has even been known to reduce future acne outbreaks in some patients. The procedure is done with a device that can be thought of as a fine particle sandblaster. It sprays small crystals around the face and agitates them. This agitation abrades of the dead outer layer of skin.

Each treatment can take up to a half-hour. The main side effect is red skin, with some people reporting soreness or tenderness. However, it usually takes more than one treatment to achieve the desired results. It can take five or more treatments, and each session should be at least a week apart to make sure the skin has healed enough to handle the next treatment.

Microdermabrasion is not the same treatment as dermabrasion. This particular treatment (dermabrasion) can work well for those who have rounded, shallow scars. Again, there are potential side effects, and not everyone has the same results from the procedure. Typically speaking, those with darker skin coloration will have a harder time seeing their desired results. The other problem is that it can leads to skin blotches or discoloration. Dermabrasion is done with a device that actually scrapes of the top layer of skin. Therefore, it can't be performed on those who currently have acne.

A local anesthetic may be applied to make the area numb. Dermabrasion can take 30 to 90 minutes and is usually done as an outpatient procedure. However, the recovery times are much longer than with microdermabrasion. The skin tends to be red and quite swollen after the work is done, and can take up to two weeks to subside. After that your skin will still be pink and this can last for as much as three months. There will also be many things you will have to do once at home to make sure there aren't any post-procedure complications. Then, after all of that, you still won't know what the final results are for a few months.

Another option for acne scars solution is laser resurfacing. This uses a laser to very precisely destroy the skin so new skin cells can regrow and replace the damaged cells. While it's still a relatively new procedure, it is showing a lot of promise in the treatment of acne.

The information above is not meant to replace qualified professional advice. Therefore, you should always talk to your doctor about the treatments that are best for you.

By Beauty Tips

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