Friday, 4 February 2011

Practical Hand And Nail Care Tips

Your hands and nails also need attention like the other parts of your body. These are the most utilized parts of your body so it is only imperative that you take care of them properly. Most people only associate hand and nail care to manicure of pedicure. You can either go to a local nail salon if you have extra cash to spare, or you can just do this at home. Hand and nail care should not just be confined on typical cleaning since the hands and nails also need long-term health.

One of the things that you can do to improve your hand and nail care regimen is to have a healthy diet. Keratin - a type of protein - is the main component of nails which help protect the fingertips. Protein in your diet is essential in taking care of your hands and nails internally. Foods that are high in protein such as lean meats, veggies, legumes, and fruits should be part of your daily diet.

It is also best if you eat foods that are high in vitamins since they help improve the texture, appearance and strength of your nails. Deficiencies in vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C and E can cause brittleness, white bands and ridges.

For topical hand and nail care, there are nail creams and lotions that also have nutrients in them. These topical products help the hands and nails externally. You can search for nail and hand creams with such nutrients, just make sure that they are natural and chemical-free. If these hand and nail care products are too costly for your budget, you can always turn to natural sources such as those that are available in your kitchen.

Lemon juice is an all-natural topical product that you can use because of its vitamin content. Lemon juice is a great source of vitamin A and C, and drinking it while using it as an application maximizes its benefits both ways. You may also use mustard and/or olive oil in massaging your hands and nails. For better absorption, these oils should be used warm. They help bring back the moisture in your hands and nails.

It is essential to keep your nails and hands clean and hydrated at all times to prevent them from dryness and from having unpleasant texture. By regularly practicing these, you can maintain the beauty and health of your hands and nails.

By Beauty Guide

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